Liam Marks



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Topic : Tackling Climate Change With Discursive Design

This thesis revolves around taking a new approach to highlighting the issues and consequences of climate change in a way to pander to parts of the population that have become complacent in their daily habits that are detrimental to our climate. My hope is that through the creation of a company/brand that displays arrogance and ignorance towards the effects of climate change through their creation of anticipatory and over the top products made to tackle climate change issues such as flooding, higher temperatures, etc that this will create a discussion in the public that leads to more action in ones day to day life towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly society. By creating this company/brand and these products that are marketed and advertised in a very ignorant means, and with an arrogant tone ideally people would learn to resent this company/brand and look at it with contempt and thus use those feeling to make changes in their own lives that could lead to a future where these companies/brands do not become a reality.  

Why Do This?

My motivation for pursuing this as a thesis topic surrounds trying to promote more critical thinking in people's lives, and using critical thinking to instigate change that leads to a better world. With that in mind one of the biggest issues our world is facing is the effects of climate change, so the idea and motivation around this project is to use design to create and stimulate critical thinking through public social and ideological debate that surrounds the brand and products that I hope to create. Every effort should be made to create a better world and a sustainable future for our planet, and if that means even pandering to those who are only inspired to make changes through anger, spite and resentment than those efforts should also be made, and that is what is motivating me to create this project. 

Why Should You Care?

Climate change if left unchecked is something that will affect every part of our planet, there is no place to run away so I believe everyone should have an interest in efforts made to better our planet. Although this project's voice will literally promote an acceptance of climate change, the message of the project is intended to create a chain reaction of thinking that leads to inspiration to take action against climate change. And much like the many advertisements people are exposed to everyday there is little to no conscious choice to look. The conscious choice is in whether to pay attention or not, and my intention is that the design and voice of my advertisements and products will strike consumers and cause a second look and thus more attention and consideration. I suppose the only reason you should be interested in this project besides the natural and biological want to prolong life on our planet and ensure your own bloodline is sustained, is because the design enticed you to.

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